The Long Grove Park District held their second annual “For the Birds” event this past weekend at Reed-Turner Woodland. Mother Nature herself cooperated, and served up nearly perfect weather for hiking and observing our native wildflowers and birds. A birdhouse competition was held, with many creative and clever entries crafted by a variety of residents vying for the grand-prize title. The culmination of the event was a reception held today, to honor three special Village volunteers. Harvey Lease, Bob Borg, and Lee Bassett were celebrated for the many contributions that they have made to Long Grove through service to the Park District, Historical Society, and Village government. I have known these men for years in working together with them on the Historical Society Board, and both Bob and Lee have served for many years on the Conservancy and Scenic Corridor Commission for the Village. But the Park District knows them best as “Teasel Masters.” Bob, Lee and Harvey have put in numerous hours as stewards to the Reed-Turner Woodland, and are known throughout the community for their passion towards eradicating (or at least trying to control) this invasive species. Sadly, Bob Borg passed away earlier this month, and he will be greatly missed by all those in our town whom he has touched over the years.
But the legacy of Bob’s volunteer service (and that of Lee and Harvey as well) lives on, and I hope that it can serve as an inspiration to our current residents. In Lee’s remarks today, he touched on the fact that Long Grove has long been a community that greatly relies on volunteers. Past Village President Maria Rodriguez spoke about the importance for our community to pull together with one another and work cooperatively, as we have in recent years. Every day I see the results of so many residents, past and present, each doing what they can to make a difference. It was heartwarming today, to be surrounded by so many of the community leaders who are currently doing good works in a variety of areas–Arts & Music Council, Rotary, Lions Club, Historical Society, Park District, Village Board & Commissions, the list goes on….Maybe we can’t all be “Teasel Masters,” but we can let the volunteer spirit shown to us by Harvey, Lee, and Bob be an example for the generations to come.